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Forum Comments
How is the screen an energetic performance space?
In Energy - production
How are you together in the screen room?
In Digital room as workplace
How are you together in the screen room?
In Digital room as workplace
Where is Imagination?
In Imagination
Why online?
In Why online
Why online?
In Why online
Why online?
In Why online
Are you starting from scratch?
In Dance material
What do you LACK? What do you GAIN? What do you NEED?
In General Discussion
Aug 15, 2021
@maxine like forgetting about the flesh and blood and breath? the way gun shots are so clean on tv?
How do you create in a digital room?
In Creating in the digital room
How do you create in a digital room?
In Creating in the digital room
Perceptions? Forms? Experience?
In Inspiring Artistry
Aug 14, 2021
Can we describe how we perceive if we take away dominance of sight and hearing?
Perceptions? Forms? Experience?
In Inspiring Artistry
Why online?
In Why online
Aug 14, 2021
Best Answer
Sometimes I just wish maybe we all fly to space and create a new world and then we’ll proceed. (from Conversations 2021)
How are you together in the screen room?
In Digital room as workplace
How are maintaining your focus?
In Attention
Are you starting from scratch?
In Dance material
What have you been learning?
In Learning Artistry
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