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Forum Posts

Susan Lee
Aug 18, 2021
In Embodiment Workshop
I came to this workshop with 1 desire and 1 question. I wanted to be directed and experience the online forum as a responder rather than a director and my question was How to better sense the energy of the shared virtual space? Some words that float into my memory "tonification of the vagus nerve", kinaesthetic empathy, multicentered awareness, constant reminders to attend to sensation. There is also a cascade of other thoughts - the importance of language to direct action and finding of sensation (and how I need to work on this more), when are words thoughts and when is it sound and when does it matter, why was the position of my avatar sometimes important even when it did not directly my ability to communicate. I like the gather town platform better than zoom. More thoughts on this later as it is now 4 pm!

Susan Lee

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© 2008 by Maxine Heppner


Maxine Heppner and Across Oceans Arts is based in T'karonto Canada, sacred land that has been home to human cultural activity for over 15,000 years. We honour and acknowledge the original caretakers of this land: the Mississaugas of New Credit, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Anishinaabe and the Huron/Wendat, and all peoples and living beings, named and unnamed, born into and newcomers, who live on this earth with respect and grace.


The Choreographic Marathon is grateful for the generosity of participating artists, the partnership with Pia Bouman Studios & the support of The City of Toronto through Toronto Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, & Across Oceans Angels. 

web design: christos alex. giotis

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